Tale of the caterpillar
                 Such effort, the caterpillar does work,
              inching along a little faster than the snail
                      little by little, bit by bit
                  searching for tidbits for something.
                   Wary of the sparrow and the ferret,
    it clambers along, blown by the wind as it continues its journey,
                        building and destroying,
                    evolving and transforming itself,
                   knowing nothing of what lies within
                           its true potential.
                  It is oblivios of the beauty within,
                     its world is a leaf, a branch.
                     It strives with all its might,
      energy for a brief emergence of  sheer uncompromising beauty,
             No longer confined by the prison of its youth,
                      the prison of its own design,
         disregarding the inherent and temporary length of life,
                    released to live and to be free.